Allegra Mg

Related article: 21.26% 32.9 Cv 3 Petroleum 331^ ^r by volume : 26.44 'v , 2.43% 8.57% 61.76 'V In tables t and 2 all results are expressed as percentages by weight. In separating emulsions containing hypophosphites by this method cal- cium hypophosphite is found with the emulsifying agent and potassium and sodium hypophosphites with the sugar. Mr. Francis Allegra Buy asked the author how nearly his actual results agreed with his theoretical results. Mr. Eldred replied that he would read from his paper to show how close these results were. Mr. Francis Allegra 120 said he meant whether it came within one-half, or one, or two per cent. Continuing, Mr. Eldred said that Emulsion No. 1, emulsion of cod-liver oil of the United States Pharmacopoeia was prepared by weight all ingredients be- ing calculated Allegra 180 to weight so as to make the proportions . accurate. The amount of oil added was 45.04 per cent., the amount found was 44.8 per cent., the amount of emulsifying agent (acacia) added was 12.16 per cent., the amount found, 12.31 per cent. The amount of sugar added was 8.5 per cent. ; the amount of sugar found was 8.47 per cent. Mr. Eldred called attention to another case, where the result was just about as Online Allegra accurate as this. He said he would read the one prepared by using casein as an emulsifying agent. Oil added, 49.98 per cent. ; oil found, 49.54 per cent. ; emulsifying agent added, 4.37 per cent.; emulsifying agent found, 4.13 per cent.; sugar added, 21.79 P^*^ cent. ; sugar found, 21.9 per cent. In adding these different ingredients they were dried, so that they were in about the same condition when used in preparing the emulsion as when dried after separation. Of course where starch is present this is not necessary. Taking these precautions, it was found the results in all these emulsions were as close as could be expected in determining such things. In sampling care was taken to thoroughly shake the emulsion before taking off the 25 Gm. for assay. The Chair called for discussion on this paper, but Allegra Mg none was offered. The Chair stated that these several papers of Mr. Eldred and his associ- ates would be received and referred to the Publication Committee in the usual way. The Chair said that in going back to the papers of the morning session which had been omitted, he would now ask Mr. Amy to read his paper on Digitized by Google SOLUnON OF CHLORINATED SODA. 84 c the " Solution of Chlorinated Allegra 180 Mg Soda." Mr. Arny presented his paper in abstract, the full text being as follows : SOLUTION OF CHLORINATED SODA. BY H. V. ARNY AND O. H. DAWSON. In the issue of the "American Journal of Pharmacy " for June, 1904, (page 258) Amy and Wagner pi;blished a critique Buy Allegra on the formula given for the manufacture of solution of chlorinated soda by 'he United States Pharmacopceia of 1890, showing that the formula given by that authority was impossible as far as the average manipulator was concerned. It was shown that the Pharmacopoeia demanded that the finished solu- tion should contain 2.6 per cent, available chlorine; that 1000 Gm. of solution should contain 26 Gm. available chlorine; that this 26 Gm. avail- able chlorine was to be extracted from 75 Gm. chlorinated lime, contain- ing 35 per cent, available chlorine ; that, in other words, starting in with 180 Mg Allegra is, starting in with a batch of chlor-